Download classic wow logs
Download classic wow logs

  • Some features which you will find in Details!:.
  • Youtube: Details! Speed of Raid update rate. Seeking a change-log list? check out here our blog
  • display menu: select the display, e.g., healing done, damage, cooldowns, etc.
  • you may also use shift + right click if you feel that it's better.
  • segments menu: select between overall data, current and other past fights.
  • Window Control: open, reopen or close the window, you may also close with the shortcut ctrl + right click.

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    main menu: select the mode to use, Everything: shows everything, Standard: show only raid or party members, Plugins: may select between raid and solo plugins.Negative feedbacks are important as positive ones, we are always seeking ways on how to improve it, thank you! Important: Details! is in constantly update, if you install and feel like this addon isn't for you, please leave a comment telling which part of the addon made you give up from it. right click: if clicked at the title bar: open a panel showing all displays available, if clicked at any other point in the window: open the bookmark panel, you can add/remove/select your favorites displays from there for fast switch between them.shift + left click: depending on what displays you are, it may report only that line or open more details from the actor or spell shown on the bar.left click: open the details window for a player, or, open the report window depending on what's being shown in the window.

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    One of our goal is making the interface clean, easy to use and dynamic, this is a list of smart shortcuts you may see as useful:

    download classic wow logs

    If you fit in this profile, if you want to know from a simple "how much damage I'm doing" to more complex "how many times a healer casted that cooldown on the main tank", Details! is an addon for you! From casual to theory crafter, knowledge is essential for growing as a player. Raider or pvp player, doesn't matter, we are always searching for more Intel, ways to make deep analysis, methods to know everything what's going on around us.

    Download classic wow logs