Blender templates
Blender templates

They are also a great way to test your addons in a pris­tine environment. Blender already comes with some app tem­plates of its own, but the real pow­er is always in suit­ing Blender to your own workflow.Īpp tem­plates are very use­ful while work­ing on projects for dif­fer­ent clients, and a must-have when record­ing video tuto­ri­als. We can pick an appli­ca­tion tem­plate when we start Blender, through the splash screen or the File > New submenu.

blender templates blender templates

App tem­plates can also run cus­tom Python code when switch­ing to the tem­plate and when chang­ing away from it. This includes dif­fer­ent start­up files, addons and even splash screens. Making video tuto­ri­als? Juggling mul­ti­ple projects? Ever want­ed to switch between dif­fer­ent Blender setups with­out hav­ing to remem­ber what pref­er­ences to flip every time? Application tem­plates allow you to save Blender con­fig­u­ra­tions and eas­i­ly swap between them. Using app templates to boost productivity

Blender templates